Leading Change: People, Process, and Systems

  • Online
  • In-person


The tempo of change, uncertainty, and ambiguity are a daily part of today’s workplace, and these dynamics only continue to increase exponentially. Effectiveness as individuals and teams often hinge on the ability to adapt, flex, and embrace change to be successful.

After this workshop, participants will:

  • Understand the human and team dynamics associated with change in the workplace
  • Understand resistance to change and learn how to reduce this resistance using several change management and leadership tools
  • Understand how to coach and develop others through change
  • Learn and practice tools to overcome resistance to change, unearth competing commitments, and surface tough conversations around change
  • Learn how to dialogue with those struggling with change to create engagement, alignment and, a mutually agreed action plan




  • Online


  • 1 day

Facilitator :